About Me

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Hi, I have set up this site in order for for people to have a place to make suggestions and have debate on the problems Ireland now faces. It is open to comment from all, the employed, the unemployed, business leaders, politicians, students, emigrants, immigrants, public and private sector workers, all of you. Anything you have to say is worthwhile, I want this to be a positive platform but I realise that's quite difficult at the moment, but even from negative comments something constructive can arise. I will only moderate nasty or offensive comments. I intend to forward the link to this site to every member of the Dail and Seanad on a regular basis, it's not much I know but it may get something started. To get peoples points across more clearly, I intend to publish Comments as posts, this I hope will generate more debate and further comment.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

For what its worth.

So here we are, Ireland is in a little bit of a mess isn't it?  There are a lot of very angry and frustrated people out there and this blog is a way I hope, to turn that anger and frustration around and make something positive out of it.  I want this blog to be a forum where people can voice not only their annoyance and pain at the situation that we find ourselves in, but where they can put forward their hopes and aspirations for where we can bring this country.  If you have a suggestions for topics you want covered please leave a comment.  Here's my suggestions to maybe get the ball rolling:
  • NAMA
  • Anglo
  • Unemployment
  • The bank bailout
  • Education
  • The Health Service
To give you some background, I have been unemployed since June 2009, I'm trying to start a new business, I have no political or religious afilliations all I want is to live, earn and raise my children in the country of my birth.  I want to be optimistic. I want all of us to be optimistic.  I don't intend this site to me a platform for my rantings, I have a separate site for that, my only role will be to administer the blog.  This site is for you, please help all of us by using it.

Will this "forum" work?  I don't know, I've met with some cynicism already and thats ok, its perfectly understandable but somebody has got to do something and this is the only thing I can think of.  As I say in the about section, I intend to send the link for this site to all of our politicians on a regular basis, they may ignore it they may not but at least they will be given the chance to gauge peoples views, frustrations and suggestions on how we may fix Ireland.

Get your comments in now folks, if any of you techies or arty types want to make suggestions on how to make the site more attractive, please let me know.  


  1. 1) Apply a fair and equitable tax system across all sectors, instead of the one in place.

    2) Take the €Billions back from the banks and give government bank drafts, made out to the respective lenders, to all of the people in default. (Homes only, not developments of holiday homes). They then pay the banks, get out of trouble and the banks get their money anyway. The markets then see less risk in the bank of toxicity.+1

    3) Cap all salaries at €100k and divert anything over that to the exchequer for community and social improvement, including education and health, care of the elderly, transport infrastructure and green technologies.

    4) Remove the administration of expenses from the control of the Oireachtas members and their civil servants. They cannot continue to decide their own incomes. Alter the Constitution to place this under the aegis of the President, who would preside over a special body to avouch these expenses.

    5) Remove the Tax-Exile provision ENTIRELY and also the stud-fees exemption from the equestrian industry and Artist earning over €1m pa.

  2. The Irish Economy is taking up by one large monster 'Anglo'. It is killing us. At this stage i.e. 2 years later, it looks like most of the damage is done and the only way is for people in their 30's plus to pay higher taxes etc each year until they retire. It is quite depressing.

    Instead of listening to banks, celebrity business people, stock brokers or politicians we should concentrate on listening to Economists like Brian Lucey and Constantin Gurdgiev. Do what they tell us, they are right 85% of the time.

  3. Incentivise capital.

    Introduce a tax relief on new capital invested in existing or new businesses where such businesses create employment. The tax relief could be linked to the amount of employment businesses generate.

    This scheme could replace the existing BES schemes.

    With a bit more thought, it could be a very attractive idea to "kick start" the business sector of the economy.

    The tax relief would be against all income limited to 100% of the capital invested. It could be further restricted if such capital investments weren't deemed to create any meaningful employment.

    Jobs will mean increased demand, improved tax revenues, lower Govt. expenditure on welfare etc etc.

  4. There needs to be a new political party - led by a young, energetic and forward looking representative who has zero experience in politics. Why? We need someone who is straight talking, convincing and full of ideas - skills which our system has bred out of our politicans over the last thirty years.

    We need a new party populated by people with no ties to the current political class, bringing an end to the gombeen localism which dominates at the moment. Now the question is - how does one fund and start a new party?
