About Me

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Hi, I have set up this site in order for for people to have a place to make suggestions and have debate on the problems Ireland now faces. It is open to comment from all, the employed, the unemployed, business leaders, politicians, students, emigrants, immigrants, public and private sector workers, all of you. Anything you have to say is worthwhile, I want this to be a positive platform but I realise that's quite difficult at the moment, but even from negative comments something constructive can arise. I will only moderate nasty or offensive comments. I intend to forward the link to this site to every member of the Dail and Seanad on a regular basis, it's not much I know but it may get something started. To get peoples points across more clearly, I intend to publish Comments as posts, this I hope will generate more debate and further comment.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Sending link On

I was going to forward the link for this site on to all members of the Dail and Seanad today.  Given however, that there are only 6 comments and 5 followers, I will leave it till the end of the month.  If its still at this level then, I'll admit defeat, bow to the cynics, admit they were right and shut it down.  I would have worked hard on this, but if nobody is interested then so be it, I'll have tried to do a little bit to fix Ireland, not much, I know that, but all a man with my current limited reasources could do. Thanks to those who have submitted comments and followed to date.


  1. Disappointing but don't give up! Sometimes, it seems we are a nation of giver-outers.... give us an opportunity to actually be part of something that someone, somewhere, might listen to and then we become a nation of... shutter uppers!

    Keep tweeting ... and I'll go share on facebook. For what it's worth....

    xx Jazzy

  2. Hang in there. Rome wasn't built in a day. Tomorrow's a new day. Close but no cigar (Oh, scratch that one) OK, can't think of any more idioms so just keep at it.
